Links Brawler Links - DA 50+ Guest Posts - Quick Hitting Power On Command. - A BuSo Exclusive Offer.


War Mongering.
BuSo Pro
Jun 20, 2018
Hey Buso, just like the title says, we are offering guest posts on DA50+ websites owned by aggressive and content hungry website owners working on growing their money sites. All websites are legit and get organic traffic - verified by Ahrefs.

I'm not going to get into a long-winded sales pitch, there are plenty of great providers on here (some of the best in the industry imo), I'm here to add even more firepower to the Buso marketplace arsenal. Details below.

Intro Wholesale Packages & Pricing (Limited Time Offer):

Let's Give One A Try - 1 X DA 50+ Guest Post - $275

I Need A Bump - 5 X DA 50+ Guest Posts - $1300 ($260/post)

The Juice Is Loose - 10 X DA 50+ Guest Posts - $2,500 ($250/post)

I'm Not F&#$ing Around - 20 X DA 50+ Guest Posts - $4,500 ($225/post)

Things you need to know before pulling the trigger on an order with us/FAQ:

What is guaranteed here, what am i buying?

- You will get guest posts from DA50+ websites, posted in a relevant section/category, with 500-700+ words of relevant, 100% unique hand written content, images included.

- The website(s) you get a guest post from will have minimum of 1000 organic visitors/month, verified by Ahrefs. (Averages are MUCH higher, this is just the bare minimum)

- You will have a 1 year replacement guarantee on your guest posts you get from us, whether they turn no follow or get dropped over time, they will be replaced with a site of similar metrics. (I would prefer it only be 6 months due to the fact thousands of sites change hands everyday and there are a lot of factors out of our control, but my partner insists we offer this. So I guess that is what we are going to do. (You will have to keep an eye on this, I don't have time to babysit backlinks. If you notice any drop or go nofollow, hit me up and it will be handled.)

Additional Info:

* A lot of these websites are news/magazine/blog type of sites. Majority of them are monetized with display ads and affiliate links.

* The DR range of these sites average between DR40-DR60+.

*A lot of the sites we have been running into are google news approved websites, we don't guarantee that or specialize in those, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Recent client report:

These are the typical metrics you can expect. We have been working with this guy(client) for a couple months, in this recent report for him, you can see we were able to score a couple of links with much higher metrics than advertised this round. Just like any niche, the more we work it, the more opportunities we can find.

We are going to punch up for you like this EVERY chance we get in an effort to get you more power and the best gains we can per your money spend with us.

About your post's linking - To be upfront, and so you guys know what to expect:
Most of the site owners we run into will insert an internal link to another page on their website as well as require us to have a co-citational link linking out to an authority site. Meaning, your post will have 1 internal link pointing to an internal page, there will be your link linking out to your target url, and then there will be a link linking out to a non competing authority site related to your niche.

What is the turnaround time on these? I'm going to post here 30 days just to cover my ass, but typical tat is 14 days or less on a 10 pack. On the 20 posts we usually like to drip them out a little bit longer if directed at a single target, with approx 20 day tat. If you want to go in guns blazing, larger orders will depend on volume and requested link velocity. Custom requests are welcome. Once you are set up with us, we can crank these out for you like clockwork.

Indexing: Most of the guest posts we secure for you index within hours. It's common for you to see them getting picked up by Ahrefs before you even get the completion report. Indexing for us has been a NON issue.


What niches are allowed? We can handle pretty much any family friendly niche. At this time I'd prefer to not have to deal with gambling, adult, pharma ect. If you are in one of these niches, its legal, and you are having a hard time with link acquisition; hit me up and ill see what i can do, they will probably cost more with longer turnaround times though due to being more difficult to get. (I'm dealing with one now and it's been a major pain in the ass)

Do you offer smaller packages? No, we would like to get you ranking for your targets sometime this century. The packages are sized as they are so we can give you our best rates.

Can I split the packages up? Hey, it's your money and your investment, you can do whatever you want. I personally would rather have overkill and hit my target vs fall short of it, any day of the week. My thoughts on it are that I can always make more money, but i can't make more time. SEO is time consuming.

Could you build these yourself? Sure, if you knew about them. Anyone could if they were willing to pound the ground and shake the trees hunting these properties down to negotiate a link placement. That's what you are paying us to do.

What is your refund policy? Once we accept your order and start your project, the trigger has been pulled and there is no taking that bullet back. We have already paid our outreach team, content creators, and website owners to secure your links. In the rare event we cannot secure you your links in the time frame you are quoted, you will get a full refund.

Are these safe for my website? Yes. My number one priority when doing business with other business owners is the safety of their assets. Whether we are working with a client getting links for a target or working with a website owner negotiating link placements, the health and well-being of all parties involved is kept in mind.

The only time I have seen someone cause harm to their website using these type of links (can happen with any links for that matter) was from over targeting exact match anchors against my warning and triggered a devaluing/penalty. That being said, I will be doing a quick "once over" of your website and link profile before accepting your order to make sure you don't accidentally shoot yourself in the foot while working with us.

DON'T shit where you eat. Meaning, DO NOT spam blast these with tier 2 shit links (gsa/xrummer type of crap). These come from real websites with real owners. They don't want spam pointing at their site any more than you do. If you want to juice these up a bit, just run a handful (3-5) of some lower end, legit hosted content links at them and you should be fine. *If you do spam blast these and the site owner(s)/editor(s) see it and remove your post(s), you will NOT be refunded/reimbursed and I'll be done doing any business with you moving forward. Period.

bring me some half assed "chochie" looking website, or a blatantly/obvious spammy black hat looking website. Again, these are links from real websites with real owners, most don't want to link out to or be associated with shitty looking or spammy black hat websites.

If you are in a niche that I am currently competing in for myself, partners, or clients; I reserve the right to refuse your order/business. (Sorry guys, but I'm not about to arm someone competing against me with some of the same ammunition I am using... just doesn't make sense.)

Wrapping things up:


Hey guys, I have been in this monkey business (SEO/IM) full time professionally for 15 years, I have done a lot, and I have seen a lot. If you have any questions or need help with your project, don't hesitate to get a hold of me, that's what I am here for. (I don't have time to play 10,000 questions, but anything mission critical to what you are doing, I'd be happy to go over things with you.)

To be straight forward, I haven't offered any services publicly in probably 8 years. A big reason for that was due to fear of our resources getting trashed, which jeopardizes my projects, my partners, and my clients. After being on here for a while getting to know the community, seeing how the mods have handled issues in the marketplace, and just in general, I feel a lot more comfortable offering access to some of our ammo. A few of you guys have reached out to me over the years for links, and I said no, I guess here's your chance.

If you have your ducks in a row, and are ready to call in an air strike, hit me up on here or shoot me an email. I look forward to working with you.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1​

Disclaimer: I REFUSE to compromise on quality or turnaround times. We can handle a lot but since I don’t know what to expect from this, if things get crazy and we get overwhelmed I will have to shut the doors for a while until we get what's on our plate handled. I will keep you in the know on what is going on our end at all times. Thanks.
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Review Copy

@mj22 reached out about sharing his service with all of us at Builder Society, and after all the back and forth of getting this thread started, he had the wonderful idea of doing a freebie for BuSo itself to use as a sample to share with interested buyers. That was kind and I wanted to return the favor with a review, so here we are. I appreciate his patience, since I was slow on my side due to the holiday weekend. Reach out to him to see the sample, since obviously we don't need to post it publicly.

We were provided what appears to be a new guest post published just days ago on a site with some very impressive metrics and referring domains. The site itself is directly about operating in the digital space in terms of tech, websites, online business, and so forth. It's very relevant.

The article is also perfectly relevant to the forum, which is a quick overview of what businesses who only operate offline (or are new businesses) need to do to have their online presence established. It covers the broad strokes. This article links to the forum contextually early in the article and then later links to a similar company in the space. It's a perfect co-citation. The content reads perfectly fine, too.

In terms of the backlink profile and other metrics, I'll just share a couple images below from Ahrefs:



That's pretty killer. This is obviously a real website, and you can imagine the types of referring domains pointing in, and how high their own DR scores are to push this one up to DR 75. And it gets a significant amount of traffic.

Another thing I'd mention is that @mj22 was in constant contact to the point where by the time I was available again, I had left him hanging with four private messages. He was on the ball and kept me informed on what to expect as everything was progressing. It was a pleasant experience.

Reach out to @mj22 through PM here, or using his email address or Skype ID mentioned above to see the sample. I should mention again that this was a free copy, but you can see that I'm not using hyperbolic language or blowing smoke up anyone's butt. It's a good, relevant link on a great, relevant domain. If it fits in your SEO plan and budget, you likely can get some mileage out of this offering.
@The Engineer , Thank you for approving us on the marketplace and for the honest review, I appreciate it.

To kick things off and in an effort to get some more reviews in, we will be offering 3 discounted review copies to give a single link a try for $199 in return for an honest review. If you are not afraid to be a "guinea pig" and would like to give one a try, shoot me a pm and we can get the ball rolling for you right away.

(Minimum Requirments: You must have been a member on here for over a year, and have 50+ posts)

Review copy

I took up the review offer above and was overall very happy with the service.

Communication: exceptional. Providers often disappear but @mj22 kept me updated throughout.

Help: @mj22 offered some advice on my anchor text and link profile etc - always welcome.

Similar to the review copy above that BUSO itself received, I got a new guest post on a relevant site (tech) with very strong metrics DA70+ and a good amount of organic traffic.

Would I order again? Yes. In fact I am very interested in what other strong sites they have in other niches.

The key was also the communication. Too often providers go AWOL which is simply unacceptable in an online business!
@Darth Thank you for giving us a try and leaving us an honest review, I really appreciate it.

We have 2 more discounted review copies @ $199 in return for leaving a review. First come, first served.

(Minimum Requirements: You must have been a member on here for over a year, and have 50+ posts)

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1​

Thanks again, I look forward to working with you.
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Review Copy:

Solid link, DR 70+ , excellent communication way above average.

If you've ever bought links before, and the provider can't deliver on said placement metrics, they tend to have internet troubles all the sudden. This is the opposite. Responded on weekend, solid follow up after.

Went above and beyond and even looked a secondary site as well. Spotted hosting issues that slipped through the cracks... would've been another 8 months before I got it or even noticed!

Good service, will be ordering more...
@chanilla Thank you for giving us a try and leaving an honest review, I really appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone for the orders in general, its been a lot of fun working with you guys.

It looks like we have one more review copy left @ $199. First come, first served.

(Minimum Requirements: You must have been a member on here for over a year, and have 50+ posts)

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1​

Thanks again, I look forward to working with you.
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@mj22 hooked me up with a review copy and delivered a new guest post on a DA65/DR53 site. It has 12.6k ref. domains/35.3k traffic according to Ahrefs. It's been registered a long time but seems to have received a lot of content in early 2019, and a link campaign starting later that year.

The site has a /write-for-us/ page that mentions the word 'Guest Post' numerous times, including in bold. It doesn't note an advertising fee, but they state that there are no free guest posts available. There's no mistaking what that page is for!

The site is generic with many different categories, one of which is relevant to my niche. This is common in my niche, so most link vendors have trouble getting niche specific sites to land them on.

Unlike a lot of guest post providers, the post is linked from the front page. Tt was published today and is already indexed, so @mj22's claim of easy indexing is definitely true.

Unfortunately there are lots of categories on this site, so mine isn't linked from the header or footer menus. Once it drops off the home page, this might not pass much juice.

Around 50% of organic traffic/keyword rankings are from India, with the 'top competitors' sites including a few with .in ccTLDs.

The post is 100% on topic, and makes complete sense despite the technical topic. It includes multiple images, subheadings and some lists. It includes a link to a separate site that is trusted, but isn't really competing. It would be nice if they picked a more generic anchor for the second link, but it is what it is. Being written and formatted so well, you can be confident showing this type of link to a client.

@mj22's communication was amazing. He kept me in the loop at every step, when I was only expecting to pay and be sent a link a month later. In the end I think it took 7 days to go live, which he was disappointed about, but was more than quick enough for me.

Thanks again!
@illmasterj Thank you for the honest review, i really appreciate it.

Its getting more common to see sites having a "write for us" on them (they get free content and get paid by doing so allowing access to their site), a lot of major publications do the same. It doesnt devalue link equity in any way. Every site we deal with charges for posts, you have to pay to play.

Its been a couple years since i have worked in that niche, that site has gotten us and clients really good gains recently, i seen it and was able to make it work. Thanks for the feedback, it is welcome and valued.

If you are not happy with the placement, my apologies, please let me know and we will hunt down a replacement for you, no worries. Customer satisfaction is one of my top priorities. I sent you an email.

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@mj22 hooked it up with a test link in what I would consider a moderately challenging niche. For reference when contacting vendors I figure I get about a 20-30% acceptance rate simply because it's something that can be hard to get web admin approval for.

@mj22 was transparent, communicative and upfront about there being no promises given the niche. I think it was approximately 7 days from sharing my URL and getting the live link sent back. Metrics were:
Traffic: 360k

The referring domain is solid, unlike many of the very obvious Wayback rebuilds that are so common with niche edit and GP vendors. Traffic looks like it started picking up in 2018 and has been steady as a rock since. Leading traffic source is the United States.

Of the top 5 pages 4 of them are informational intent and only one could be considered product related, so this domain appears clean as it's not uncommon to see spam-tiered purchase intent garbage winning the day with sites that accept content.

One of my main competitors is listed in Ahrefs "Top 10 Competitors" feature for the referring site which is kind of a cherry on top for me.

All-in-all went in with pretty low expectations, not because of any interaction with @mj22 himself but more because I've really struggled to find link vendors worth their salt in recent years. I'm glad to finally have a dependable big-hitter vendor as these links are clean enough to use for in-house roles; no shame, no worries.
@harrytwatter Thank you for giving us a try and leaving an honest review, I really appreciate it.

Hey Buso, I hope everyone had a great weekend(and 4th of July). I just got back in and am responding to some of your emails now.

The $199 review copies have all be claimed. I would like to keep it open for those willing to leave an honest review to be able to still get some kind of discount in turn for doing so. If interested shoot me a DM or an email and we can work something out.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
Thanks again, we will get you the best we can, I look forward to working with you.

Hey guys, I got some data in and have an update for the sales thread offering a smaller package (5 pack) due to several requests asking for it.

I am sure quite a few of you checking us out are probably thinking "Ok, these guys have some good reviews but..... will these get me gains? do these move the chains?"

Well, I'll show you.

First, I'll start with a few sites that ordered a single test link here. I am not going to bullshit you, the gains are not anything to write home about, but the below will answer the above question. You have to remember, these came from just a single stand alone guest post with no tier 2 links or link structure powering it up.


From bouncing around page 2 to breaching into the top 10.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 17, KD 8, SV/M 1100


Position 5 to settling into pos 4.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 35, KD 18, SV/M 800


Position 29 to 17.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 26, KD 20, SV/M 2700


From the 60'-70's up to position 22.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 38, KD 16, SV/M 26000​

Imagine what 5-10 posts could do... Since we are now offering a 5 guest post package, I'll show you what a couple of our smaller clients have been seeing for gains. This is what the "down and dirty" of progress looks like while working on a tight budget using our services.

Plowing through the turbulence of the core update:


From bouncing around all over hell in the 30's, to settling to pos 12
Ahrefs metrics: DR 14, KD 23, SV/M 2400


Riding the rollback and stabilizing at pos 13.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 14, KD 27, SV/M 8100​

The client above (ecom) ordered a 10 pack and wanted to split the package up to target 2 different pages (5 each). I had recommended to run all 10 at one target to improve our odds of securing page one rankings for at least one of them, but this is what he wanted to do... so that's what that looks like. This niche is blowing up and is more difficult than the KD would indicate. Page one for the keywords we targeted are full of amazon, home depot, walmart, ebay, ect listings along with the major brands in the industry.


From being stuck bouncing around between 12-15, to hopefully stabilizing at pos 5.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 18, KD 17, SV/M 5400
The client above (another ecom guy) said he was stuck on page 2 for a couple months. After doing everything he could to push through into the top 10 with no success, he gave us a try and ran 5 posts at the target. It took a minute to roll out, but once everything settled down and got attributed we were able to get him the bump he needed. The client has reported he has already made $600+ from the gains he got from the campaign, and will easily pay for it self in a couple months if not sooner.


That's all the serp porn im going to post for now, more and better to come soon. I just wanted to give you guys a look at what you can reasonably expect using the smaller package we are introducing here.

Our main clients are having us pump out 5 posts per week at different targets/pages as needed, we have been able to cut through the serps like a hot knife through butter. Its been a slaughter house, and that's the way we like it. :wink:

We are here to kick ass and cut throats for you guys. If you are looking to bring your game to the next level, feel free to get a hold of me any time.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
New Package:

I Need A Bump - 5 X DA 50+ Guest Posts - $1300 ($260/post)

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Just got my second link back, not a review copy or anything was just impressed with the initial delivery that I ordered again.

Service quality holds up just the same as review copy; steady and clear communication, contextual/quality content, stacked domain.. will be back for more :tongue:
Thanks @harrytwatter , I really appreciate the return business and your follow up review.

If you are looking for quality guest posts from domains with great metrics, feel free to hit me up any time.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
We have been working on something pretty killer for you guys, will be updating soon.

Thanks again - Happy Hunting.
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Hey Buso, I have been thinking about you :wink:

So, since I introduced the "5 pack" on here, I have been wanting to offer an introductory package for it; for first time buyers that want to check us out. At the same time I also wanted to try to deliver the best deal on the web as far as metrics and pricing goes when it comes to legit quality guest posts.

After looking around on a few other marketplaces and seeing what other comparable providers are offering, I started digging through some of our recent lists to see what we could do. While doing so i was looking for some of the best metrics we have to offer in the DA50+ price range for this service. (We have higher end stuff, but that is a different service reserved for our clients and regular buyers.)


Well, I think we have done it. If its not the best deal online for this link type, then it has to be pretty close. I was able to find some gems for this, decent sites with great metrics all the way around. With the sites i cherry picked for this offer, I am confident we should be able to make any family friendly niche work. We can craft your content in a way that makes sense and works for these properties.

Again, a lot of these sites are magazine/news type of sites. You will get guest posts from websites with the below stats, posted in a relevant section/category, with 500-700+ words of relevant, 100% unique hand written content, images included. If you are in a goofy niche that is more difficult (and i know a couple of you are), at worst, your post will be under a "news" category. *We can discuss this, if this comes up, prior to you ordering.

If you are looking for low cost, high impact, quality and relevant guest posts from websites with great metrics that move the chains, these are for you.

First Time Buyer's Package (This is a one time offer "one and done" deal for Buso members ONLY):


5 x Our Top Shelf DA50+ Guest Posts - $995 (only $199/post)

Metrics of these sites:

DA: 53 - 68 DR: 66-76 RD: 5.1k - 141k+ Traffic: 20k - 400k+

*Family Friendly Niches Only - No pharma, cbd, canna, gambling, porn, ect allowed for this specific offer.
*Members that have already bought from us and want this deal, hit me up any time.
*Sites subject to change, dependent on niche requirements.

There IS a catch, there always is...
Look, I am cool with us hooking you guys up with a smoking deal on some of our top end stuff in this tier/bracket of guest posts we are offering here. I would also like to earn more good reviews in this thread. So i am going to ask in return, that you leave us a review as well as an update on your rankings (before & after).

If you are fine with it, since i track everything, I can just post a discreet before & after screen shot like i have done previously. (Hey, I enjoy watching you guys fly up the rankings for your keywords as much as you do.)

When you are ready to roll, you know where to find me.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1​

Thanks again for the business guys - Happy Hunting.
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Hey Buso, we are going to have to close the doors for a couple weeks, sorry about that. Been getting hammered with orders right now and I dont want to take any more on until we have whats on our plate handled first.

Ill update the thread once things settle back down.

Thanks again, i appreciate it.
Hey Buso, we are finally caught up with everything and we should be good to go. I would like to address a few things moving forward.

- If you are a first time buyer and are looking to place a bulk order, we can accommodate you and that's fine, but i do ask that you please give us a week heads up before doing so. I don't want to have a bunch of bulk orders all come crashing in at once like last month causing delays on our end. The week heads up will give us time to maneuver and get set up so we can hit the ground running for you.

- If you have been in this industry then you know this time of year gets pretty busy. A lot of the website owners and editors that we deal with to get your posts live have been taking almost twice as long to get back to us on approvals, especially on the higher DR sites. We had one site take 15 days, i literally grew a beard in the time it took for the post to go live, lol.

As always, from start to finish, I will keep you guys updated and in the know if any unforeseen issues or delays arise while we are working on your projects.

- I keep having people ask us to make sure we don't get any double ups on referring domains. You don't need to worry about that. We automatically check all target urls as well as any 301's you may be using to make sure you are not wasting time or money on us getting you stuff you already have.

Thanks again everyone for the business, we really appreciate it. I look forward to working with you.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
Happy Hunting.
Reordered after good movement on the first batch. Service is excellent, very thorough, approvals beforehand, etc.. Caught a site tweak negatively hampering upward movement, overall super solid... ordering more.
Thank you @chanilla , I appreciate the review and the continued business.

If you guys need anything, feel free to get a hold of me any time. We are still pretty busy, but i'll make sure you are taken care of.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
More screen shots coming soon,

Thanks again guys!
Hey Buso, things are finally starting to mellow out and get back to normal. I know its been a minute since I bumped this thing, I haven't really had a whole lot of time to update things until now. We get busy like this every year between Aug and Dec, this year was way crazier than I have had in a while. I just want to say thanks to everyone for the new and continued business as well as for your patience. It's been a lot of fun working with you guys and helping you kick some ass, We love it, iron sharpens iron.

On to some recent gains.


Scooping up some low hanging fruit.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 15, KD 8, SV/M 1200
This one is pretty self explanatory, this is exactly why I love me some overkill.


New page doing some work.
Ahrefs metrics: DR 24, KD 15, SV/M 3200
I was a bit late getting this one into the tracker, it was on page 2 prior to us hitting it. The target was a fairly new page. I am expecting to see another bump as the page continues to age along with the posts we ran to it.



Ahrefs metrics: DR 18, KD 13, SV/M 2500​

This site has been another one that has been really fun to work on. It's a 10 year old+ partial match domain. I know after seeing the ahrefs screenshot some of you may be thinking "but mj22, it says its a dr 4!?". I know, I'm not going to explain here what is going on with that; if you know, you know.

The main thing I would like to point out here is how important UX is when it comes to ranking, especially qualifying to get into the top 10. A few of the senior members on here have mentioned how important it is having images and video included in your posts. Here is some actionable Intel from the trenches to show that. (We DID do some stuff to address some potential off page site balance issues this website had going on prior to the above campaign, I'm not going to get into that here, that will most likely be a different post or thread.)

The target page had been sitting dormant with no link activity to it for a few months. It was just a page with a wall of text, great content, but still no images or video. I coordinated with the client to make the adjustments(add images and a vid if possible) before the campaign started hitting in. While monitoring that page after the changes were made, I noticed with in approx 4 days that page had shot up significantly on to page one bouncing around (getting revalued), within about 72 hrs the page had been re-cached. The target had ZERO off page activity going to it at the time this rolled out. Our work didn't start hitting in until about a week later.

Anyway, I seen this out in the wild and thought it would be an interesting share.


Some recent First Time Buyer's Package deliveries:



(If you look close, you'll see this isn't a double image)​
Like I said, we have this package pretty stacked for first time buyers. Its our way of saying thank you in advance for giving us a test drive.

We are working with a couple members that had issues going on with their websites. Once the adjustments/corrections roll out we should have some more screen shots of those as well as more reviews coming in. I will be reaching out to follow up with everyone this week to see if anyone needs anything or wants a second set of eyes to check things out.

If you guys need anything done before the end of the year, feel free to hit me up and we will get it handled for you.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1

Thanks again - Happy Hunting.
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Great movement on the first order for a competitive keyword. I felt like I was in good hands the whole time. Great TAT and super knowledgable team. Thanks again!
Hey, so these posts are indexable, correct? I'm more interested in the branding aspect of the posts rather than the "link juice" they could provide.

Am I able to suggest a title for the post made? I run a service XYZ, and I want the post to be titled something along the lines of "XYZ Review", so that when someone searches for my brand, that post shows up.

If that is possible, I would love to see a sample domain of yours within the business / investing / making money niches. I've been going back and forth with sellers on BHW and realized that most of the sites are just shit auto-blogs and wouldn't even stand a chance against a manual Google review. Cheers!
@cashqi , Thanks for the review, I appreciate it. That was a fun site to work on, I think that is the oldest website i have worked on before. GL on the flip.

@Hercules , Our stuff gets indexed within hours from going live. As far as business /investing goes, we have access to plenty of assets in that niche. If you can shoot me an email with your details ill take a look at things. Yes, you can choose your titles if that's what you want to do. If you are looking for a single post ill see if i can sneak you in, any orders larger than that, ill have to put you on our waiting list.

Thanks for reaching out.
Ordered this from Mike recently, things went great. Sites all had solid metrics, links indexed quickly, and the site we used the links on responded well to the links already. Will keep Mike in my back pocket as one of my link vendors, and I only keep quality ones in my back pocket. Mike also seems like a good guy, I enjoyed working with him.
@jgw899 , Thank you for the honest review, It's appreciated. I am glad you were happy with everything, I am looking forward to working on more projects with you in the future.

We have everyone that was on our waiting list taken care of and have some room. If any of you are looking to give us a try before the upcoming busy season kicks off, we should be able to get your orders knocked out fairly quick. For any bulk orders, I'm going to need a week heads up to get set up for them.

*I am not looking to take on any more cannabis, adult, gambling, ect projects at this time. They have been a pain in the ass to work on. Family friendly niches only please.

Email: aandmdigital (at) outlook (dot) com
Skype: live:mjhett22_1
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