Anyone done paid Linked In traffic? Any tips for organic reach or on platform promotion?


Keyword Sheeter users are using fresh data... r u?
BuSo Pro
Jan 29, 2015
Microsoft seems like they're kinda serious about building it out as their backdoor into social networking.

They've got a sick looking freelance marketplace coming out soon. I think its going to really jack up their engagement levels.

Never really done any advertising there. Anyone have any experience with their paid products?
Do they nuke your organic reach like facebook once you build up an audience?

Does it make sense to invest in organic their? I think its a growing network and there are real quality prospects but I'm in a really competitive niche where people do saturation level retargetting.
Do they turn around and help their big spend accounts target your audience?
My buddy randomly was showing me a post he made on LinkedIn that got decent engagement. It's your basic ego bait where you quote someone else and tag them. But in this case it's not about getting them to "retweet" you. If you tag them it shows up in the feed for their followers (I was told, not sure myself, I don't use LinkedIn). So this would be an attention leaking method for sure. Tag the big guy, stroke the ego, and tie it into what you offer.

I know that doesn't answer your questions. I don't know those answers. I do have another associate who gets nearly all of his clients (and whales) from LinkedIn organically and does quite well for himself. I mean... it's B2B, right where someone like you with your offerings wants to be, since SEO is so ubiquitous now.
I’ve dabbled in some LinkedIn ads.
CPC’s were about 8-10X higher than G search Ads, and conversions were worse too.
I think it has it’s uses in awareness and targeting/reaching certain high value audiences sometimes… but for almost anything I would exhaust the following, loosely in this order first:
- G remarketing ads
- G search ads
- FB ads
- FB remarketing + lookalike
- G display ads (a lot to play with here, some pretty new)
- Pinterest and/or Nextdoor
I’ve dabbled in some LinkedIn ads.
CPC’s were about 8-10X higher than G search Ads, and conversions were worse too.
I think it has it’s uses in awareness and targeting/reaching certain high value audiences sometimes… but for almost anything I would exhaust the following, loosely in this order first:
Started doing some testing.
So far the numbers are matching this so closely its scary.
LinkedIn seems to be really happening now, but I haven't tried advertising.

It's really popular though, even unemployed boomers are on there.