Where are you going to travel once Covid restrictions lift?


BuSo Pro
Dec 31, 2016
I'm going to Japan.

I've been to Tokyo for a week once. I loved it. It was like being young all over, everything was new and fresh, but still recognisable. It was safe and functional, but very, very different.

I'm going to take a month off and go to Japan and probably also Korea and/or China.

What about you? Are you going to go travel?
back to the United States... Lol

I want to see Wyoming
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Probably Chiang Mai. Been meaning to catch up with the other SEO players there. Been too long.

Japan is definitely on the list as well. Usually go there once a year, got a bunch of friends there too.
Berlin! I can't wait to go to a 48 hour hedonist techno party, that's fueled by cocaine, speed, mdma, and ketamine, with people doing connecting with each other in every way imaginable! Oh boy! If the Europeans would only allow us disease filled Americans on their continent! And if Berlin has its clubs open once again!

It'll probably be Summer 2022 since everyone would need to be vaccinated :wonder: I'm lucky to have went to a 25 hour NYE party last NYE and New Year Day. It was from 9pm New Years Eve to 10pm New Years Day. Quite an awesome party.
Berlin! I can't wait to go to a 48 hour hedonist techno party, that's fueled by cocaine, speed, mdma, and ketamine, with people doing connecting with each other in every way imaginable! Oh boy! If the Europeans would only allow us disease filled Americans on their continent! And if Berlin has its clubs open once again!

It'll probably be Summer 2022 since everyone would need to be vaccinated :wonder: I'm lucky to have went to a 25 hour NYE party last NYE and New Year Day. It was from 9pm New Years Eve to 10pm New Years Day. Quite an awesome party.
Just read a relevant article yesterday about the period following the Spanish flu, and society's reactions to it being over (the 'Roaring Twenties'), where moral inhibitions dropped, social mixing boomed and the economy rocketed from deferred spending.
Looking forward to visiting family back in America and introducing them to my wife (we're getting married in March 2021). Then taking trips to various places in Europe and South America.
What ever city makes most sense as a tax write off...
I'd quite like to visit the peoples Republic of California. I'm curious if these stories of human degradation are really true.

I've spent time in communist countries and never seen anything like what is reported in the newspaper footnotes and right wing media. I doubt it's true.

The last time I was in @Brit in Cambodi s country I had a gun pulled on me. I fucked right off the next day. Missed seeing a lot of the country. I hear it's slightly more civilized these days.

If Trump manages to 180 the situation, a long shot I know, I'd take a trip to Taiwan.

But @bernard , I don't think waiting for all this to end is the the right way to think about it. If you want to go, just go. I've traveled recently. There haven't been any unique issues due to covid. Except for a worry of cancelled flights.
But @bernard , I don't think waiting for all this to end is the the right way to think about it. If you want to go, just go. I've traveled recently. There haven't been any unique issues due to covid. Except for a worry of cancelled flights.

I'm fairly sure that it's not possible to travel to Japan now. Only select business people and family member. I checked about Thailand this winter, but they have this one month isolation thing, including 2 weeks quarantine literally in a hotel room.

Most countries are not open for incoming travellers or tourists.

I think Pnom Penh in Cambodia might be more civilized than LA now though.
I think Pnom Penh in Cambodia might be more civilized than LA now though.
Haha, you may be right on that account.

But as far as Thailand and some other Asian countries, there are always creative ways around these issues. Perhaps not Japan, I'm unfamiliar.
Phnom Penh's alright. the ex-pats are usually shadier than the locals. It's Sihanoukville you have to wary of (basically the Chinese mafia-run it now.) Oh and by the airport in Phnom Penh is sketchy but as a westerner you're not going to be spending much time in these places.

I'm looking at seeing what economic opportunities Argentina has to offer. I was going to spend 2020 there but yeah.
I was in Cambodia 20 years ago. I can see on Youtube that a lot has changed. I'm really high long term on both Vietnam and Cambodia, moreso Vietnam, but I'm sure Cambodia will benefit from the soon to be moderately wealthy Vietnam.
I was in Cambodia 20 years ago. I can see on Youtube that a lot has changed. I'm really high long term on both Vietnam and Cambodia, moreso Vietnam, but I'm sure Cambodia will benefit from the soon to be moderately wealthy Vietnam.
Cambodia is where all the Chinese launder their money. The amount of money flushing around is insane. Cambodia is growing every year (not sure about this year I fucked off in February back to the UK). The Cambodians hate the Vietnamese with a passion. Don't think they'll be taking Vietnamese money anytime soon. I love the country but its not going to be the next economic power hub. One of the reasons I'm planning on moving to Argentina for a while. Its got an economically depressed workforce and it's not under Chinese influence.

My gut about Vietnam is that world war 3 will be coming in in the next 4 years (Thucydides Trap) and knock it out as a potential global superpower.

A weak corrupt Biden will ignore China invading Taiwan, say some strong words but ultimately do nothing (Think Russian annexing Crimea). Strengthened by this the Chinese will push further into the South China sea maybe invade a few Filipino islands and something unexpected will happen to force the US into war with China. China strategically would be wise to neutralise Vietnam as quickly as possible. Hun Sen is a Chinese puppet and so is the Laos Government. The Burmese leadership are also in bed with the Chinese. leaving two countries which would oppose China. Thailand and Vietnam militarily Thailand isn't a threat but the landmass of Vietnam is quite strategic in the region.
Cambodia is where all the Chinese launder their money. The amount of money flushing around is insane. Cambodia is growing every year (not sure about this year I fucked off in February back to the UK). The Cambodians hate the Vietnamese with a passion. Don't think they'll be taking Vietnamese money anytime soon. I love the country but its not going to be the next economic power hub. One of the reasons I'm planning on moving to Argentina for a while. Its got an economically depressed workforce and it's not under Chinese influence.

My gut about Vietnam is that world war 3 will be coming in in the next 4 years (Thucydides Trap) and knock it out as a potential global superpower.

A weak corrupt Biden will ignore China invading Taiwan, say some strong words but ultimately do nothing (Think Russian annexing Crimea). Strengthened by this the Chinese will push further into the South China sea maybe invade a few Filipino islands and something unexpected will happen to force the US into war with China. China strategically would be wise to neutralise Vietnam as quickly as possible. Hun Sen is a Chinese puppet and so is the Laos Government. The Burmese leadership are also in bed with the Chinese. leaving two countries which would oppose China. Thailand and Vietnam militarily Thailand isn't a threat but the landmass of Vietnam is quite strategic in the region.
I doubt Vietnam becoming a developed nation, which would threaten China's sphere of influence, would lead to war since China is placing money into Vietnam and SE Asian with the Belt and Road Initiative. China doesn't need to use force to maintain its power. It has or is obtaining the infrastructure and economic positioning to get what it wants with diplomacy and economics. Also, war has a tendency to destroy capital, which would undermine the Chinese investments in the region. It doesn't make sense for them to do that.

As for the Cambodians hating the Vietnamese, I agree; but, I think you underestimate the power of self-interest greed. Greed is more powerful than hate. Milton Freedman would agree with me here.

Finally, it sucks that Snooky Ville is no longer a party paradise with cheap drinks that flow freely until the sunrise. Such a shame!
I doubt Vietnam becoming a developed nation, which would threaten China's sphere of influence, would lead to war since China is placing money into Vietnam and SE Asian with the Belt and Road Initiative
China holds a lot of influence over the top politicians in Hanoi, the people have a strong dislike. I doubt there would be hot war in this region particularly as China can just turn off the water to most of SE Asia, excluding Thailand.

I'm not really seeing Argentina as a regional power in the near future, perpetually kept as a farm supplying the west. Who knows.
I will go to Uruguay, and also South Africa.
Interesting and i just heard about someone, knowing someone who used a fake certificate to fly

The government's not able to control the people how they want.... wonder how this will end up.. seems like we're all under an iron hand these days

Criminals are selling fake Covid test results as they look to profit from travel restrictions​

Yeah, they stop a lot of foreign workers here with those. But I understand it. People flying in from some poor country, work their asses off for some weeks/months and feeds, clothes and educates their whole extended family from that money. So when they lose a few weeks in quarantine, their company won't pay them or pay for accommodation. Those jobs are hard to get, lots of competition, so they want to do everything they can to keep them.
The time is now!

I'll be travelling to Tokyo in a month give or take.

Anyone have any good intel on what's a must see these days? Suggestions for bars and restaurants?
The time is now!

I'll be travelling to Tokyo in a month give or take.

Anyone have any good intel on what's a must see these days? Suggestions for bars and restaurants?
I might go there in the spring with my mom... if I can stand her. GF might come with.

As for suggestions, I don't have any. Maybe go to the places where you can eat raw octopus? I'd also get Kobe steak if you can afford it. Should be the best in the world. Maybe spend a night in a capsule hotel?
The time is now!

I'll be travelling to Tokyo in a month give or take.

Anyone have any good intel on what's a must see these days? Suggestions for bars and restaurants?
Depends on what you like, go to maid cafes, robot cafe, ninja cafe and different anime cafes!