Youtubers on BuSo?

Are there any Youtubers on BuSo?

I know there are plenty of SEOs on here. But, I'm wondering if many people are playing in the video space.

If so, interested in hearing if you are:

1. Building branded or unbranded channels
2. Outsourcing editing or doing it yourselves
3. Mainly monetizing through AdSense, brand deals, sale of products/services, or something else.

Bonus question: I'm trying to find a solid editor with decent intuition and a good eye for transitions. I don't really want to test out 25 different people on UpWork. Any suggestions on how to find good editors?
1. Branded channel.
2. Outsourcing editing
3. Monetizing editing through sale of my own infoproduct/coaching

place to find editors is skip upwork
Some creators are getting options for split-testing thumbnails:

Some creators are getting options for split-testing thumbnails:

One of my client's channels has this - it's a nice feature to have. With that said, there are 3rd party tools that can do this, too (for now).