Taking ideas from books - possible copyright issues?


BuSo Pro
Apr 2, 2015

I'm creating some content for my website and I've found a book that has a lot of helpful techniques for my website visitors that they could use.

I was wondering, can I take exercises from those books (not directly copy pasting the text) and use them in my articles?

I can't figure out, if I could run into any copyright issues, because this seems similar to skyscraping technique, where you combine ideas from multiple sources.

And I've seen a lot of books that cover the same exercises that are written about online, and vice versa.

Again, I would not blatantly copy text from the book, I would just take the core idea of the exercise and cover with different wording.
Let's be honest...

Good artists copy; great artists steal.

EVERY guru, book writer, artist, etc. has at some point taken content/inspiration/knowledge from another and re-purposed it into a new piece of work.

Some artists visit the art gallery. Some business gurus read self help books. If all those "ideas" you learned over the course of your life were protected, there'd be no teachers or innovators.

Everything we soak into our brains would be useless if you couldn't apply it or share it.
This is the internet:

He will, in turn, vomit most of that same rainbow back into someone else's face. As long as you don't copy and paste, you'll be fine.