Strategy Sharing for Reddit

Right now, I'm pretty hands off with modding the subreddit.
The subreddit is essentially running itself. People are replying to posts.

I do check and read everything to make sure nothing crazy gets posted.

Each post has an AutoMod message that links back to my site with links and FAQs. These get a few clicks but not much traffic.

Nice to have it working for me. Will start putting out more content in due time.
Fantastic thread, already saved me hours of research. Thank you contributors!

Couple questions:

1) Anyone have experience with the paid promotion features on Reddit? If so, can you "boost" a subreddit to accelerate attracting a base of initial users?
2) Anyone built a bunch of links to their subreddit to encourage Google to toss it at the top of their new forum-focused SERPs?
I am a little late to the conversation but I use laterforreddit and it works great for scheduling posts based on the highest engagement time. Obviously, the content you post needs to make sense and not promotional, etc.. It's been working great for me.

Got 500+ views on a video with one post using it. I use the 9-1 rule (I forgot where I read it). I post 9 random posts that are related to my niche (educational, funny, etc..) but non promotional at all and then 1 post that is meant to drive traffic/views without being too promotional to my website.
I just took over a softcore fitness subreddit that shows hot girls.

50,000 subscribers. What would be the best way to make money on this?