Profit or Passion?


BuSo Pro
Nov 24, 2015
Hey guys!

I'd like to know how do you go about creating a project from scratch. I love the fact that many of the users of this forum start with the philosofical side of their business. This is something not many marketers do, and I really admire the ones that take that first step!

However, when it comes to actually delivering to the market, I've had some major failures in the past because my business where not focused on something I was passionate about. I mean, dedicating 12-13-14hours a day, 7 days a week, for 12-18 months to a project when you feel no fire, no passion about it.

It's also completely nonsense to start a project based solely on passion if you don't have a clear understanding of the needs that your market has. I truly believe that you an ALWAYS combine passion with profit, in a creative way that carves out your own space and gives you a ton of money.

My question would be, what do you guys put first? Passion or Profit when launching a project or developing an idea for a new asset? In my case, I try to be creative and put the two together, and when it comes to purely profit I try to outsource and automate as much as possible (like Real Estate or Affiliate Sites).
I think it works best when your passion is FOR THE PROFIT. That way it matters less what the site is about and you'll launch based on industry research; and for a first project - something that you already have at least a baseline knowledge about.
I agree with @RiverStyx if you have a passion for the profit of any project it will work, your passion will shine through in everything you do and say/write but the audience will see a passion for the project/niche not that your true passion is about the monies they are going to be throwing at you.