Should I Add a Blog to a 5 Page Business Site?

Jul 23, 2018
My question is: lets say your whole site just need to have 5 long quality articles which cover every keyword which you need target. Would you still add articles to the blog even the fact that you dont need them? How crucial is to keep the site updated with fresh content? I didnt read any related article to this so far. Or is there any minimum like 1 article per month, or it could be a waste of money? Or it totally depends on the niche only?
My question is: lets say your whole site just need to have 5 long quality articles which cover every keyword which you need target. Would you still add articles to the blog even the fact that you dont need them? How crucial is to keep the site updated with fresh content? I didnt read any related article to this so far. Or is there any minimum like 1 article per month, or it could be a waste of money? Or it totally depends on the niche only?

There's always content that you could be routinely adding to your website to supplement your pillar articles. An easy way to find these pieces is to look on forums / Q&A sites to see what users are asking. Odds are people did a Google search for the answer prior to posting. Depending on the niche, at least 1 per month, but preferably at least 1 per week.
There's always content that you could be routinely adding to your website to supplement your pillar articles. An easy way to find these pieces is to look on forums / Q&A sites to see what users are asking. Odds are people did a Google search for the answer prior to posting. Depending on the niche, at least 1 per month, but preferably at least 1 per week.

It's more than supplementation though.

Topic clusters/supporting content is a great way to increase relevancy on-site and make your site an authority on a topic. Authorities will always rank better than thin content sites.

I always think of topic cluster content as easy ways to get links. More often than not the modifier type articles like "vs" "how to" etc that are easy to rank. When you rank, people link to you. Internal those to your pillars and you get free juice flowing.

@JamaicanMoose is spot on with forums + Q/A sites. Stick your keywords into tools like:

Then bulk check the volumes. Even searches of 50-100 per month start to add up.