Name Coronavirus affected and impacted industries

Titles says it all, crisis is a time of opportunity. What happens, what's changed? What surges, what crashes? This is a nice exercise we can do to find opportunities, this is what business is about

Cleaning services are surging as well as hiring cleaning workers

Restaurants, public space businesses hit bad

Travelling, hotels are hit pretty badly

I've noticed a lot more people buying content. People are investing online because they can see ahead to a time when the coronavirus is over. They want to be making money online in the future if this ever happens again. One thing people have seen is that they want to have an online job in case it becomes dangerous to work in the real world. I've noticed a lot more people buying content, but maybe they're spending less individually. It's an interesting time for online vendors of all kinds.
Lots of people trying to move online atm, and lots of people looking for online expertise to deal with the changes. Quite a few opportunities if you know what you are doing and want to deal with clients.