Let's talk copyright infringement

Dec 20, 2014
Specifically for images. A lot of niche's I seem to have success in seem to involve image heavy content.

To give you an example, let's say my niche is big on pinterest, something like make up or fashion. My articles need to have GREAT image content, stock photo sites are garbage for the most part and finding a single good copyright free image is hard as hell let alone more than 1.

So I take the risk of copying a lot of high quality images from social media sites, never from google images. If the images are on sites like pinterest and facebook, etc the reverse image search results become pretty murky (so it's much better for you).

Now there are a ton of niche's this applies to, but from what I noticed the giant image heavy sites like 9gag, buzzfeed etc, all hide under DMCA law because their content is user generated. If I'm running a blog how do I minimize the risk of getting sued? Make my site slightly user generated with a page where people can submit their articles? I know there's gotta be some people on here that have dealt (or are dealing) with this issue. Any input is appreciated.