Is a lack of routine holding me back?


BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jan 23, 2015
I was thinking today, I have never followed a routine for anything (work, gym, diet)

But could this be my downfall? Main reason I don't use a routine is because I can't stick to it.

So my question: Would you say following a routine is essential to success?
It depends whether if you have discipline or not. Are you able to get up at a certain time of the day everyday? Are you able to grind it out when necessary - if not then a routine can be great for building habits - after 30 days it becomes natural. However a routine can be dangerous if you use it to get out of working on something you really should be working on.

It's also difficult to gauge whether your routine is profitable or not - routines IMO essentially make you a robot, and if you are trying to create a business - anyone in business knows the first several years you'll NEVER be able to do a 9 to 5 schedule like a regular employee - cause there will always be a fire to put out, an idea to work on, or some extra marketing tactic to execute.

A routine though can be great for shaking off the very bad habits - like a bootcamp for going into the military, you are restructuring your life, how you think about tasks, and how you accomplish tasks.

Dreams can only turn into reality through discipline.
@built So how did you get "built" by not following a routine and going to a gym on a "set the clock by it" schedule? Honestly bro, IMHO what's holding you back is lack of patience, not discipline.
I hate to do this, but I feel saying it and making a general blanket statement will help others that read this understand.

It probably is hurting you

Most all people don't have discipline. At least not enough to accomplish their true goals when things get tough. Your willpower is limited and that's why routines generally help out. Of note, some people ( very rare ) have a lot of willpower and discipline, but this isn't everyone.

It's like your teeth. No one likes to get up and brush their teeth. You do it because it's a habit/a routine. This routine keeps your teeth and gums healthy so you don't lose your teeth later in life. You do it because you've always done it for years now. In this way a routine helps you get to your goals

When you start a new goal like trying to lose weight, write 3k words a day, whatever... how will you continue when you finally hit a wall? Most people will hit a wall and then skip/give up and the goal is over even if they have good willpower and discipline. Once you skip a couple times, it almost becomes death.

The routine/habit will help you past that point. You will just gravitate to that task/goal.

For example, there is no way I could remember to set out the mice bait every week near my house. I live in a rural area and naturally, we have woods. The field mice aren't a real issue for me, but my wife hates anything that resembles a mouse.. so I set bait out to kill them so it doesn't become an issue later. I couldn't remember to randomly do this on my own, even with a todo list on my wall. EVEN WHEN IM WANTED BY THE FBI.

So how do I do it?

I made it a routine.

Each week I have to take the garbage out on Monday night. I made it a point when I go into the garage next to the garbage bins, I put the mice bait. I can't miss it at all. Seeing it reminds me I have to go out in the woods and reset the baits. I've done this so many weeks now, that the seeing of the bait no longer prompts me ( it did when it was a NEW habit ), the fact its garbage night I just know that once I open the garage I need to reach down and get the bait. It's like muscle memory now and a flow that I just do, sorta like brushing my teeth. I'm not even aware of it... it just happens.

I know that's probably an odd example, but that's how having a routine helps you when discipline and willpower don't

I had a hard time getting work done each day. Specific type of work where I was getting a lot of distractions. I took an older laptop and made it a "work machine" where I removed every app on it except things I needed for writing. Each time I get on this laptop, all I can do is write in peace. Anytime I touch this laptop, it's just habit/routine now that I can bust out large amounts of content and it happens without much thought because its part of my flow/routine when I open it up. Sure, it helps I don't have distractions.. but when you start developing routines and layer on extra steps on top of it, you start knocking down those goals easier.

I've spent hours already today developing a specific template for an extra special bonus for SERPWoo members. Trying to do this before would have been a nightmare, but my routine helped me accomplish this.

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@built So how did you get "built" by not following a routine and going to a gym on a "set the clock by it" schedule? Honestly bro, IMHO what's holding you back is lack of patience, not discipline.

I don't even know. I just wake up and train whatever I feel like it that day. That's why I was thinking about it today, if I can get into good shape by doing that, would I be better if I followed a set routine? Then it got me thinking about the way I work and write content, I do the same thing.

But I agree, patience is one of my downfalls. Would probably be sitting on some nice earners instead of trying to battle for money cuz I wanted to buy myself something nice.


Thanks for the replies @CCarter, @SmokeTree & @eliquid

Will create a routine and post it here