Hopefully your 2015 starts better..


BuSo Pro
Nov 7, 2014
... Spent half day in the ER after my daughter hit her head after slipping on some ice.
Thankfully no concussion, and everything is back to normal.

Her eyes rolling back into her head, short blackout, short spasm and puking afterwards are nightmare images I could live without, tho.

So.. It can only get better from here.

Damn bro, really sorry to hear that :( I hope all your daughter has is a bruise and a bad memory, and she recovers quickly. Getting knocked out is no joke, for both the person it happened to and bystanders. I'm glad in your daughter's case the damage was minimal and this was only a false start to what just may be a great year for us all.
It is all good... She got checked out and it was basically a hard blow, but no concussion. She is back to her usual mischiev and laughter. 1.5 years, by the way, she'll most likely not even remember any of it.

Glad to hear that all is well there. Yea, she'll hopefully not have any memory of it at that age.
Dayum, emp. Kids are so tough though. I'd lay in bed for a couple days after that.
My best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks to all of you for the well wishes.
She is doing just fine. This is now 36 hours after the incident and everything is good.
