Google Search Console message encouragement to create new content


BuSo Pro
Jul 5, 2019
Anyone else seen this recently?
Introducing "Content ideas": Get inspiration for new content from Google
To the owner of website
"Content ideas" is a new experimental feature that can help you find ideas for new content that are specific to your site. These ideas are based on Google Search queries that might not have good enough results.
Note: This feature is experimental and available only to select properties
Go to Content ideas (experimental) (this link goes to the suggestions in real life)
I'm hoping that the message actually means that Google doesn't think there are good enough results from other sites and is encouraging me to create new content to improve its results...

There are three topics in the link. One of them contains a list of queries relevant to the topic above the one my site covers. The second is absolutely relevant when it comes to topic, but the queries are what a bad AI might choose. (E.g 'what organ do people breathe through'). The third topic is related to informational queries on a highly competitive affiliate topic.

Added: if you click More Ideas on the topic in the link, you get about 30 other ideas, some of which are quite interesting (to the extent that Google finds them interesting)

If you bookmark an idea it shows up in your Saved Ideas with this message.

Success tips
Check existing content
Search the idea on Google, see which content already exists, and think how you can add value.
Think about your audience
Focus on ideas you think are interesting for enough people. Cover multiple ideas if it makes sense.
Share your content
Help people discover your new content by sharing it on social media and other places where you interact with your audience.
The link (with Experimental) is also added to the sidebar in GSC.
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This sounds to me like a way to get real people to bring quality to underserved queries rather than letting AI content bots takeover. It's a win/win/win/lose: Google wins, webmasters win, users win, spammers lose.

Even if it makes a 1% improvement in the arena of these queries, that's 1% extra quality for everyone. I just hope all these webmasters realize these are probably very very very low volume queries and likely not worth their time to tackle.
I just hope all these webmasters realize these are probably very very very low volume queries and likely not worth their time to tackle.
Just as a matter of interest I checked the top 35 queries for each of the categories I mentioned above and the highest monthly traffic estimate was 260, with many zero traffic terms. I would say that they brought up certain interesting concepts that I think would bring more traffic if phrased differently.