Confidence, fear, and moving into the darkness.


BuSo Pro
Mar 28, 2015
I've been immersed in Internet marketing for 3 full months now. I really feel my thoughts shifting. I've seen success, felt confidence, and had my goals real become reality. This has really been an amazing experience and BuSo is a big part of that. The community here is amazing and I am really thankful for everyone here who contributes.

I've been reading a Tony Robbins book and he says beliefs are like table tops supported by many legs. The experiences I've had, the feelings that come with immersing myself, and the reinforcement of the ways of thinking preached here and on the books I read have formed legs under my new beliefs. I think differently and I speak differently about the world. It's been a really fantastic experience, and one with a much wider emotional range.

This week I've begun really committing and started driving traffic to my Crash Course project. During the day I was on tumblr and found a fellow project that is ahead of mine, but still pretty small. The odd thing was, seeing this guy in the early stages drove intense fear into me.

I'd previously only really looked at large competitors at the highest level which I suppose gave me some false sense of jumping right to wild success - even though I know it's not true. Seeing and comparing myself to a very green site and really realizing and feeling the road ahead was very scary.

That fear made me question myself, my plan, my site, the possibilities... The things I've grown to be confident in otherwise.

This fear has come crashing onto me in the midst of success with my authority site. It's made my success there a source of worry, knowing I would literally be at zero without it. That is the big reason for this second project, is to diversify and create some security.

I'm fortunate to have good paying, flexible client work that covers my living costs with plenty of time left for my projects. My plan is to build a nice bank roll while continuing to live well within my means.

I never thought I would feel such intense confidence and fear so close together. The experience is very eye opening. I know the only way is forward so that's where I'll be heading.
That is the big reason for this second project, is to diversify and create some security.
This is a bad idea. I'll never agree with diversifying your focus, cause it's a plan B approach.
This is a bad idea. I'll never agree with diversifying your focus, cause it's a plan B approach.
My authority site is at its end game state. One deal supports it that if removed would knock out 95% of my revenue. It will make good money, but it has limits any my goals are bigger than those limits.

Would your suggestion then be to sell it and move 100% on to the next?
Would your suggestion then be to sell it and move 100% on to the next?
I'd keep it dormant and focus 110% energy on something that will be future proof and can't come crashing down if something goes wrong. If you say it's limited, keep it alive, but concentrating on something that CANNOT grow means you aren't moving forward. This is coming from an abstract thinking as well as assuming we are talking about that one project. You have to concentrate most of your efforts, 110%, on things that will grow.
I'd keep it dormant and focus 110% energy on something that will be future proof and can't come crashing down if something goes wrong. If you say it's limited, keep it alive, but concentrating on something that CANNOT grow means you aren't moving forward. This is coming from an abstract thinking as well as assuming we are talking about that one project. You have to concentrate most of your efforts, 110%, on things that will grow.

Thanks for that thinking. I've got a complex set of moving parts to balance here and what you've said is very helpful.

I always appreciate your views and no BS approach. The further I go, the more I find what you preach to be true in the experiences I have.
Our minds play tricks on us. The Geto Boys taught us that a long time ago.

Data removes all those worries. If in doubt, look at the data. Not sure what to do? Do what the data says is most valuable.