Anybody wanna be on my podcast?


BuSo Pro
Dec 4, 2015
Finally got around to sitting down and banging out a podcast after about 300 emails requesting it. I've mentioned the project here before, it's called Busy to Death.

Productivity, work/life balance and the effect of technology on the human animal is something dear to me. I've literally been grinding away for the past 15+ years on hundreds of projects. I've had to learn how to work, learn how to be a decent human animal and balance all of this shit, even in the face of stress that's at least 3 orders of magnitude above what the average human experiences.

I've learned a lot out there. If you hate podcasts, or whatever, feel free to read my manifesto on how I run my shit.

So yeah, here are the two episodes that are up now. I'm just free flow dropping knowledge on how I run my shit and sprinkling in some 'business advice' as I go.

Episode 1: Rubber Duck Debugging (~8 mins)

Episode 2: Say No More Often (~20 mins)

This shit isn't monetized (well, there are some posters that do sell), and this aint no fucking traffic leak. I come here to BuSo to learn, rap and share knowledge. @Ryuzaki @CCarter @SmokeTree etc are some of my virtual heroes. In my mind, I'm doing something to help other motherfuckers see the forest for the trees and work on shit that matters. Hopefully I can find some other cats with mad knowledge to drop and create this cohesive fucking series that does a little good for once.

Thoughts? Wanna be a guest? Would be dope to interview you dudes. I know there are far wiser, far harder grinders out there than me. Get in touch!
Finding your site has drastically increased my free time and improved my work life balance because I had wanted to make a blog with a similar philosophy and you've done a better job than I would have. Your influencer platform looks interesting too, going to have to give that a whirl.

I've been thinking lately about the romanticizing of 'grinding', how you'll see teenagers in North America with t-shirts like "RISE AND GRIND" that flip burgs and drop fries part time, that were manufactured by kids across the ocean working 16 hour days.

My current view on 'griding' is that if you're waking up every day and doing something you love - don't go on about how hard you grind. Now I view grinding the same way Ali talked about pushups - don't even count your reps until you want to quit. It's not grinding until you're burnt out, tired, ready to quit, and still find a way to push through.

Anywoo, I'm going to check out your past episodes and I'm looking forward to seeing what topics come up in the future.
My current view on 'griding' is that if you're waking up every day and doing something you love - don't go on about how hard you grind. Now I view grinding the same way Ali talked about pushups - don't even count your reps until you want to quit. It's not grinding until you're burnt out, tired, ready to quit, and still find a way to push through.

Totally, man. It's not about working less for the sake of working less. It's more about 'work on shit that matters'. Identify that one thing that can push your business forward. It's probably not sit and stare at analytics 14 times a day. It's probably bang out an article, or fire up the email client to get some coverage / links. Or it's pick up the phone and do a little biz dev. Planning is fine, and productive. But doing is essential. THE difference, IMO, between people who I know that fail repeatedly and people that I know who have successes comes down to the 'get shit done' factor. The successful people work hard, but also work much smarter and actually push forward as opposed to spinning their wheels out of fear of failure or insecurity.
Very promising. I believe that one shoe doesn't fit all, and that different strategies work for different people.
