What's Your Core Values?


Digital Strategist
Nov 26, 2014
Right now i'm focusing on these 2
  1. Health: Basically laziness fuels more laziness, both physicaly and mentally. Eating right, working out and resting well help tons, and not only on productivity terms. Also here comes reading and learning.
  2. Wealth: In order to do what I really want, make millions and create real value
  • Honorable mention: Fun: self-explanatory
As I'm young, I consider these 2 as the required base in which to grow in the pursuit of a memorable life.

Also @eliquid what's your approach to lose weight? I can help you out. pm me maybe
I just did an eval of mine and what they mean to me.

I came up with:
  • Individuality
  • Freedom
  • Trust
  • Simplicity
  • Activeness

Curious if anyone here has gone through this exercise at all and came up with a list of their own?

I explain why I picked what I did over at: http://leanvertising.com/becoming-a-better-you-with-core-values/793
I like it!
  • Persistence (Hard work & never give up)
  • Freedom (Live life on my terms)
  • Rationality (Never allow my judgment to be clouded by emotion)
  • Growth (As a person)
  • Equality (All people should be given equal rights and opportunities, what they make of them is their doing)