What games do you play in your free-time?


BuSo Pro
Apr 1, 2015
Ideally, I would not play any games, but I need some way to take my mind off work and competitive games have proven to be the most efficient.

Games I currently play : League of Legends ( trying to quit, have been playing for 4 years, peaked at dia 1 last season ), Tetris ( tetrisfriends has an amazing 1v1 ladder and the 2 minute games are very thrilling ), Hearthstone ( not so much lately since I've found tetris to be better in almost every single way, but it's still installed ).
What about you guys?
I can T-Spin with the best of 'em, but haven't played in years. How do you have time when you can be marketing?
I shoot guns. Sometimes, I even shoot machineguns, and the occasional belt-fed.
I play Hearthstone, and today was released the android/iphone version so extra points for it.
Stopped video games for a while, but I felt back playing DOTA2.

"How do you have time when you can be marketing?"
I just always liked video games. The same thing apply if you ever go get a drink, go out, go skiing or anything really hehe.
USed to play Blacklight:Retribution .. but the sucker simply stopped working a few weeks ago.

Not much free time anyway

My girlfriend got me xbox one for x-mas. It's the first game I've had since I was 12.

So far Dying Light & Assassin's Creed have been more addicting than any drug/beverage I have ever experienced. I never realized how detailed these games get and how involved you become. It's seriously nuts.

I also like to rip nose hairs out.
In on League of Legends. Reduced how much I play hugely though to concentrate on other things, probably one of the best decisions I've ever made tbh
Starcraft 2

Man, I used to play SC2 8 hours a day. I had to go cold turkey cuz it was too addicting. I was 10th in Diamond, when Diamond was the 2nd highest league you can be in.

I watch the replays on YT sometimes, the 3rd expansion makes it lose its original SC and SC:BW feel way too much IMO. Micro's totally different.

Oh many, I miss BW. So many afternoons, evening, and nights in Middle school + high school on there. hahaha.
Never spent enough time on SC and SC2 to enjoy it. I played so much of WC3 and WC3:TFT
I've been addicted to Halo series for years third party clan matches were epic.
CSS for a little while.
The worst waste of time I ever did was on World of Warcraft, but those instant gratifications just keep sucking you deeper and deeper in that circle cycle.
Right now, mostly DOTA with friends at night.
For the haters ==> http://www.ted.com/talks/gabe_zichermann_how_games_make_kids_smarter play with your kids.
man, i feel out of place.

Most of you guys playing video games in your spare time.... im playing how fast can I reach my 3rd retirement before 40.
Mostly league of legends and destiny every once in awhile.
Stopped playing games recently to focus on IM.

But otherwise Diablo 3 : Reaper of Souls, Dark Souls, Borderlands 2, Okami HD.
basically just SC2 and CS:GO. It feels weird when someone else has already said it.