On-Site Structure + Silo Consultant

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Feb 16, 2019
Need somebody who has a ton of experience with on-site structures (site-speed, site structure, etc.) to help get my new Wordpress niche site put together in a nice way. There's some content that is indexed already, getting a little bit of traffic already.

Have a few link-bait projects coming on it that should drive a lot of traffic that needs to distribute link juice effectively (and also should rank itself too). Need an expert eye to piece it together in the right way.
A few things:
  • Site speed is technical SEO. An on-page expert probably wouldn't be good for that.
  • Tools like Keyword Cupid and SurferSEO have clustering tools now. They're not perfect - but they're good enough. You can sign up for either for a month for the cost of one hour with a consultant. This is probably all you need to develop a silo.
  • If you have specific questions about site structure, can can probably just ask them on this forum and get the info you need for free.

A few things:
  • Site speed is technical SEO. An on-page expert probably wouldn't be good for that.
  • Tools like Keyword Cupid and SurferSEO have clustering tools now. They're not perfect - but they're good enough. You can sign up for either for a month for the cost of one hour with a consultant. This is probably all you need to develop a silo.
  • If you have specific questions about site structure, can can probably just ask them on this forum and get the info you need for free.
thanks!! i've done some niche sites before that have ranked well and have silo'd some sites before from reading a bunch of articles and asking on forums like here, but I don't know what I don't know, really need to get this particular project done right, so wanted an expert hand to come in and just do it right to build the right foundations
thanks!! i've done some niche sites before that have ranked well and have silo'd some sites before from reading a bunch of articles and asking on forums like here, but I don't know what I don't know, really need to get this particular project done right, so wanted an expert hand to come in and just do it right to build the right foundations

I'd say to not worry about it too much. There's not too much related to creating a URL hierarchy that will kill your site. Everything can be fixed... it's just a matter of potentially lost time.

Also - "virtual silos" are a good way to go if you're not feeling confident about your choice. Rearranging a silo when you're using a flat URL structure makes life very, very easy. @Ryuzaki and I have spoken about this often.

In regards to building out silo's / topic clusters - there actually isn't a right or wrong way to do it. It's more about doing what's logical. The guys at MarketMuse created a pretty solid article on the topic for us. I suggest you give it a read: https://wordagents.com/what-are-topic-clusters/

I don't know anyone specifically that does this type of consulting. I still think you can get all the answers you need for free if you ask specific questions on this forum. But - I'll keep my ear to the ground for ya.
Sounds like you want someone to do take care of and operate your website completely :smile:
Clustering, relevance building, interlinking...

I would recommend you learn and do it yourself as it is the foundation of the website. Check out Koray Gubur, his articles are really amazing.

How many articles can you support building per month? To do this right you would need to be able to build 50+ articles. So we are already at somewhere ±75.000 words/month.

Then there is hiring/testing writers, managing them, and all the fun that comes with it because one person will not be able to build so much content.

Can you build over 50 articles per month but don't have the time to manage everything?
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