Facebook Edgerank analysis.


The 3 main factors are:
  • User Affinity - Relationship between user and content
  • Weight - Actions taken on the content type
  • Decay - Age of content
Each of those are busted up into lots of sub-factors.

The Facebook post or the page it's linking to should be in the native language of the users you want to see it. Vulgar language is bad. Low-vocabulary and high readability is good. Proper grammar, spelling, and capital letter use helps. Acronyms are bad unless it's stuff like "lol, omg, tldr" that's common.

Life Milestones
If you're announcing a new job, getting married, having an anniversary, a birthday, or moving to a new home, you'll get extended reach. Vacations count, especially if Facebook see's you logged in from the location you're claiming to be at, versus uploading pictures when you get home.

New Friends & Followers
Just like Google's honeymoon phase, you get one early shot of elevated reach so they can get some data on you. What happens here in terms of affinity and engagement can land you up top or have you in for an uphill battle for a while.

Posting Frequency & Time
The number of posts you push out only gives you more chances for something to get engagement and then reach. Quality over quantity. Posting during the "I just got home from work" rush hour can be bad since the news feed has to be more competitive. Only the best performers are shown at that time.

Content Type
Use pictures over just text for reach and engagement. External links to clickbait sites have their reach stunted. Internal links to more Facebook possibly gets a boost as it keeps you on the site. Higher shares and reactions on a post means more reach. Topic relevance based on user's past reactions matter.

Marketing Keywords
Words like Free, Sign Up, Email, Discount, Purchase, Buy... hurt your reach. So do clickbait phrasings.

They push local results like Google does. California residents won't see posts about a pizza shop in New York.

Emotion Regulation
Facebook will read your current posts as they are being published and see how you're feeling. If you're acting sad, they will dig through your past reactions, find posts that made you happy or laugh, and show you more stuff like it. An even keeled emotional state keeps you on Facebook longer.