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  1. Politico

    Internal Linking Anchor Text

    This 100%. Just knowing the basics, rolling up your sleeves and doing the grunt work that one is often avoiding while looking for said silver bullets. Ive done (and do) that too much. Which is why I really just want to strip everything superfluous away and do the basic bitch grunt work I'm...
  2. Politico

    Cheap Links For Getting Spam Links ReCrawled

    Yea use GSA if you have a decent list of targets or RankerX if you don't. Also search BHW for kevin's PBN. The nastiest, dirtiest, sluttiest links ever for pretty cheap
  3. Politico

    Internal Linking Anchor Text

    None of that shit matters in my experience. Schema won't help you rank (but apparently you can rank a page with just proper schema and no on-page text content, but that's beside the point) I've spent an extraordinary amount of time making sure my page speed was under 2 seconds and my CWV's...
  4. Politico

    Internal Linking Anchor Text

    Yea my mind set right now is to not act like an SEO at all (as much as possible) No drastic changes tbh, up or down, for the most part. March core update hasn't affected me really. One of the sites had a quick 25% dip in Oct, but has been on a slightly upward trajectory since. October was...
  5. Politico

    Internal Linking Anchor Text

    "The best way to learn the ins and outs of dog training is to think like one." if your keyword is dog training, the anchor text could be "think like one" or "is to think like one" or "learn the ins and outs" 1. late last year 2. all content 3. updated whatever i needed to depending on...
  6. Politico

    Internal Linking Anchor Text

    I'm always looking for info on anchors as well. Personally I'm not using optimized anchors at all anymore, especially externally. All NAT from now on (specifically, @Grind 's approach - natural language anchor very near your targeted keywords, but not actually containing it.) For internal...
  7. Politico

    Google Algorithm Updates - 2024 Ongoing Discussion

    I'm just gonna say this... As a certified YouTube junkie (on it all day everyday), I can tell you that basically ALL AI videos that I come across are easily spotted and immediately skipped. Also, may just be me but I've never seen a monetized AI video. I'll go a step further and even say I'll...
  8. Politico

    Crazy idea: Would marking up your WP comments section and adding fake comments reclassify site as UGC?

    I've gone back and forth on this question. Not fake comments, but opening comments back on my sites. I remember years ago that there was a correlation between my best ranking pages and the highest number of comments on the page. But then when I was doing some speed optimizations for WP, I just...
  9. Politico

    Massive influx of links

    Wow recently got LRT for a disavow campaign and the domain had ~13k links showing. Checked SEMRush's Backlink Audit section today and the domain has ~34k links found
  10. Politico

    Google Algorithm Updates - 2024 Ongoing Discussion

    Ahh fuck DEI is fucking up the SERPs now too! :tongue:
  11. Politico

    Making sense of GSC

    Don't share a site publicly regardless of AI or not.
  12. Politico

    Google Algorithm Updates - 2024 Ongoing Discussion

    I keep saying it but no one wants to hear it - GOOGLE IS FUCKIN WITH EVERYONE and they always have been. The nature of every single update since the beginning of my time in SEO is RANDOMNESS. Random shit sticks, random shit gets hit. I'm more and more starting to think Google doesn't know...
  13. Politico

    What's your take on AI generated content?

    I watched a video last night where a normie (not an SEO or internet marketer, but someone who just "knows what SEO is") lamenting the downfall of the modern internet... It went something like (paraphrased)... "[the internet is] almost unusable now. Social media is full of shills... You google...
  14. Politico

    Google to Train AI by Scraping Everything Online

    I'm increasingly of the belief that nothing less than a completely new and separate internet can save us now.
  15. Politico

    Prevent Hotlinking of Images (Apache and NGINX)

    Clutch! I added webp to mine RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp|bmp|zip|rar|mp3|mp4|avi)$ - [F] I'm assuming that won't break things, will it?
  16. Politico

    Youtubers on BuSo?

    Really resonated with this sentiment. I was doing all this SEO/digital work to try and make a living as passively as possible, so I could focus on what I really wanted to do. But as I got older and kept fighting the bad fight, I realized that it was a stupid idea and I should just dive right...
  17. Politico

    Journey by Mediavine - New Ad Solution for Sites at 10k Monthly Sessions

    Anyone have any idea how the payouts might compare? A 10k traffic site on Adsense vs. a 10k traffic site on Journey by MV?
  18. Politico

    What's your take on AI generated content?

    That sounds ominous - what'd you notice? The stammering/hesitation in the voice response? "uh, um" The food being eaten is an apple? OpenAI coming for Apple's neck? Enquiring minds want to know...
  19. Politico

    Google Algorithm Updates - 2024 Ongoing Discussion

    Reading all the latest posts here, my mind keeps going back to the idea that what's happening isn't necessarily new to SEO but, perhaps, on a larger scale than previously done. And that's the randomness and the chaos in the SERPs. I don't remember how long ago, or where I read it but the idea...
  20. Politico

    Smith's 20-year milestone...

    Haven't been in it for quite 20 years, but damn this post was very inspiring. Do you mind sharing what kind of project you're going all in on? Be as vague as you'd like or don't answer if you're not comfortable doing so.