Create a process in wordpress

Jan 26, 2015
Hello guys,

I am looking for a fast and simple solution, where a custom can run through a process, like what bicycle is the best for me. Then the customer can choose in the first step, which type of rider he is, in the second step the frame he likes, etc.

Is there an easy and fast way - like a wordpress plugin - to set sth. like that up?

I appreciate your replies/experiences!
@algospider - You are looking for a product wizard I believe. Basically a step by step process for customization for customers. A quick Google search shows TONS of people LOOKING for the same thing for wordpress, but no one answering the call:

There can be a number of reason one doesn't exist outside the box for Wordpress. But this MAY be a great opportunity for a programmer/developer to create a plugin/SAAS or something, so who knows.

The main reason I don't think one exists for wordpress stand-alone is because wordpress is a blogging platform and what you are looking for would need to 'integrate' into an already existing ecommerce platform. For example WooCommerce has this: Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce

If you were using WooCommerce you'd be able to use that to some extent.

Another reason something like this doesn't exist is because by definition a product selection wizard allows a customer to customize a product. It would be somewhat difficult to create plugin that does EVERY POTENTIAL combination of goods and works with wordpress - a blogging platform. Something like this really needs to be created by a developer and customized to your shopping cart/product/service.

For specific eCommerce solutions there are dozens of options for this out of the box, and some like zencart have this process built in, if I recall (it's been over 5 years since I last touched a shopping cart solution) Do you have a specific eCommerce solution you are looking to implement this on?
Depending on what you are actually looking for, this can be easy to implement without using a plugin. You never mentioned e-commerce so I won't assume that it is.

You do need to have some knowledge of html and javascript/jquery however. Nothing a good hour of tutorial referencing won't solve.

Here's the logic.

Assuming that the end result of the process leads to a link, you can build it in two ways. I will only describe one. The first method is that result is the full link, and the link is a bunch of keywords from the user's selection.

E.g. User chooses "steel" for frame, "leather" for seat. The webpage and link is "/steel-leather-bicycle"

The users choices will typically in the form of a select element, but it can be other types.

Here is a simple (and unchecked for correctness) jquery function that binds the click event to #frame element and #seat element. It's also efficient (in having less code) as it doesn't really need form checking by binding the result of the moment to the #gotoresult element, which is the a tag that leads the user to where you want him to go.

result = $("#frame").val() + "-" + $("#seat").val();
$("#gotoresult").attr("href", result);

result = $("#frame").val() + "-" + $("#seat").val();
$("#gotoresult").attr("href", result);
<a href="" id="gotoresult">Go to Your New Bicycle!</a>

Plugin's are great. I have 30 of 'em. But almost all of it is for making my life easy, internally.